Thursday, March 27, 2008

Translated version:- Thanks my friend ^^

1. 亢龍有悔 / 亢龙有悔 ( Haughty Dragon showing Remorse)
2. 飛龍在天 / 飞龙在天 ( Flying dragon in the sky)
3. 龍戰於野 / 龙战于野 ( Dragon battling in the wild)
4. 潛龍勿用 / 潜龙勿用 ( Use not the Hidden Dragon) - sorry, Ang.
5. 利涉大川 / 利涉大川 ( It is a good time to cross the Great River) - or, as you like it, "It's a good day to die".
6. 鴻漸於陸 / 鸿渐于陆 ( Swan goose approaching the land) - don't ask.
7. 突如其來 / 突如其来 ( Out of the blue) - haha.
8. 震驚百里 / 震惊百里 ( Far-Reaching Shock) - or, Shock wave shaking an area of 100-mile radius. What a mouthful.
9. 或躍在淵 / 或跃在渊 ( Perhaps a Leap from the Deep Pond)
10. 神龍擺尾 / 神龙摆尾 ( Divine dragon swinging tail) - "wagging" is so, well, DOGish.
11. 見龍在田 / 见龙在田 ( Seeing dragon in the field)
12. 雙龍取水 / 双龙取水 ( Twin dragon fetching water)
13. 魚躍於淵 / 鱼跃于渊 ( Fish leaping in Deep Pond) - I see that Mr. Cha was running out of ideas.
14. 時乘六龍 / 时乘六龙 ( Occasionally riding on Six Dragons) - riding, in the most innocent sense, please.
15. 密雲不雨 / 密云不雨 ( Dark sky without rain)
16. 損則有孚 / 损则有孚 ( Failed in doing something despite being faithful to one's promise) - beats me.
17. 履霜冰至 / 履霜冰至 ( When you step on frost, know that a great snow storm is coming)
18. 羝羊觸藩 / 羝羊触藩 ( A ramming ram ramming the fence) - hahahahaha. Actually, it means "a ram having its horn stuck in a fence", which means "being in a dilemma".

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