Thursday, January 8, 2009

Truthzz tag me

I have been tagged so here is my 16 random thoughts

1. I am half asleep in front of my computer
2. I am wondering how can I get that US balisong that cost USD189
3. Feeling a bit down, I never trouble people but people cause trouble for me
4. Wondering what to wear tomorrow
5. Cursing people that owe me money but pay back super late
6. Should I buy another shirt?
7. Should I buy another pair of pants
8. I wanna eat McD prosperity burger, but RM15 is just not worth it
9. Seed shirt is on cheap sale, but they never have my size on these sales...
10 Intimas sells bras and panties...
11. I am a knife freak, gonna get another one
12. They sell these cosplay whip and handcuff at Gurney New Wing
13. I eat EMOs for breakfast
14. Have not eaten cheesecake for a while
15. swiss army knives are still the best
16. I can stand blood and gore, but scared to watch ghost movie...

I will tag others later ha ha


Anonymous said...

What's are EMOs?

SMS said...

Go google it up? Its just emo, without the s..