Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This looks more like me wahaha

Took another angel test in facebook (different set of questions), and this time I agree with the results.

The full text is below:

Your the Mars of the group. Your power, strength and way of thinking is supplied by the darkness and anger in yourself. You may have the ability to be good, but its a farcry to be a balanced person. Unlike the angel of balance, you are impulsive, angry and hot-headed. You act without hesitation and thinking through a logical plan. You strive for success and in that you are at a high, but you are too quick to stay up. What goes up must come down, and I'm afraid your highs come down quick! Try a little patience and you'll become balanced.

1 comment:

Dumbo, the Sojourning Elephant said...

I wouldn't go as far as saying it LOOKS like you...