Thursday, February 25, 2010

Adventures in Sex City

I was minding my own business when I got an e mail from my friend, asking me to review this game. Believe it or not, it was developed by Middlesex-London Health Unit to educate people on sex.

Ha, finally someone created an educational hentai game thar I have been proposing for so long. Not really hentai, but using the game to teach people. One day, the computer will take over the world, but I am prepared for it by keeping all my knives in a safe place. Just call me John Connor...Oh, where was I, back to the game...

Just to prove I am not kidding you all...

We have 4 damn hillirious characters for you to choose from....

The battle style is you answer a set of questions, if you get it correct, it will reduce the Sperminator's power.

If you get the answer wrong, you will get splattered...

Some fun random facts for you all..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"When used correctly is 98 percent effective."