Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ratu Kebaya 2011

Well, its time for Ratu Kebaya 2011. This blog almost did not make it, but I bear with it and finally Ratu Kebaya 2011 is published. Last year is the first time we had Ratu Kebaya Competition at Kompleks Bukit Jambul Penang.

The emcee.

Pre show entertainment

Opening speech

I was standing there from 6.45pm waiting for the event, and these stupid reporters just block my view. I don't mind if they were really taking pictures, but I see them chatting only which pisses me off. If you are not going to do your job, for God sake, don't block my view. I was pissed off and walked this blog almost did not make it.

A bit later I cooled off a bit and looked for another spot. One thing I don't get is why do they have to use the ultra strong yellow light to the stage, it ruins the shot. These are some of the better ones.

Its easier to show a

More images..

After that we have a Q&A session to see the ability of the contestants to answer. I remembered at the end of the show, some people behind me grumbled why a beautiful girl did not win anything. To me she has the charisma of a rock, not to mistaken with the

Then we have a talent show, only the best 5 were displayed.

Some singing.

Ahem, this one tore the roof off BJ Complex and I was almost deaf by all the screams of the young men. Plus an uncle almost left, then he turn back when he saw

Giving out the gifts to the sponsors

Finally the winners are announced.
The images are clearer here cause they brought down the barrier and I could get closer.

These are the winners of the "mini" awards..
Congratulations to the winners. See you all next year for Ratu Kebaya 2012.

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